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Stories and advice for those who manage projects, people and themselves. We tell you how to work in a team, meet deadlines and be better.

Ashes of the deadline: how not to miss deadlines and what to do if everything is burned out
1 October, 2020
Ashes of the deadline: how not to miss deadlines and what to do if everything is burned out
It is quite possible that while you are reading these lines, the deadline for some task is burning painfully somewhere, and everyone is suffering. Why is this happening? How do I not miss the deadline? And what if all the deadlines have passed long ago?
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Clean up your workplace!
24 September, 2020
Clean up your workplace!
No one wants to work if the tea mugs are already covering the monitor, the phone has social networks and YouTube, and because of the abundance of stickers, you can't find the document you need. But there is a way out — to organize the workplace correctly.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Project Management Guide. Part 2. Planning
17 September, 2020
Project Management Guide. Part 2. Planning
The team seems to be working, but there is no progress? The deadline is already coming to an end, but there is still nothing to show? It's time to reconsider your views on the organization of work and make a project plan.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
How to work with a remote team
remote work
12 September, 2020
How to work with a remote team
Working remotely is great. An employee can work in their underwear (there is no shame in this), laying on the couch, and the employer saves on the office. But working with a remote team also has some nuances that you should learn about right away.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
How to recognize and stop burnout
3 September, 2020
How to recognize and stop burnout
Emotional burnout is a problem not only for workaholics, but also for almost any person. Many people do not take this problem seriously. We understand why it occurs, how to recognize it and stop it.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
6 best books on time management
27 August, 2020
6 best books on time management
There are a lot of books about time management. I have read a lot: some books on time management were completely nonsense, others were more useful. I will tell you about them.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Review of 6 best time trackers
19 August, 2020
Review of 6 best time trackers
There are so many time-tracking apps that choosing something that's really good is quite challenging. I have studied the most popular time trackers and ready to tell you about the best ones.
Александр Машков
Александр Машков
Soft skills: what it is and for what
soft skills
12 August, 2020
Soft skills: what it is and for what
I begin a detailed story about the main soft skills that a modern specialist should have. This time - what are these skills and why do you need them?
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
How to motivate employees to avoid making mistakes
5 August, 2020
How to motivate employees to avoid making mistakes
If employees often sit in the kitchen, discussing the political situation in Zimbabwe and forget about all deadlines - do not rush to issue fines. Maybe it's all about you as a leader. Maybe you need to motivate your employees better.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Atypical story: how we make a video about WEEEK
3 August, 2020
Atypical story: how we make a video about WEEEK
A really interesting video about the service is based on an original idea and a good story. Together with Where is Dino Animation Studio, we approached the issue of video creation in the most creative way.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Project Management Guide. Part 1. The Basics
30 July, 2020
Project Management Guide. Part 1. The Basics
Being a project manager and not knowing the basics of project management is like walking blindly through a minefield armed with a mythical sixth sense. You won't get far.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Tools for remote work
remote work
22 July, 2020
Tools for remote work
After switching to remote work, many faced problems: chaos in tasks, lack of communication and so on. Tools for remote work help you cope with this.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
6 principles of time management
17 July, 2020
6 principles of time management
Everyone has ever experienced stress from lack of time and has given up on rest and personal matters for the sake of work. To prevent this, you need to understand the basic principles of time management and learn how to properly manage your time.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
How to get things in order
12 July, 2020
How to get things in order
Where does this chaos come from and how can it be ordered? I've figured it out and I'm ready to tell you.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
How to set tasks to complete them
30 June, 2020
How to set tasks to complete them
You task someone with something. Everything seems clear. But, as it turns out, the person misheard or misunderstood something. That's the problem. To avoid this, you need to set the tasks correctly. We'll tell you how to do this.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
10 ways to fight procrastination and beat it
26 June, 2020
10 ways to fight procrastination and beat it
It usually takes me 3-4 hours to prepare one article. But this one is different. Because of COVID, work from home, the child turned on the PS4, got an interesting article on Telegram... Hmm, I'll go read it. Oh, here's meme. And another one… Sh*t!
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
time to start

tasks, projects, Kanban boards, Gantt, calendars, reminders and notifications in Telega™ - all this is free in the team for you