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Stories and advice for those who manage projects, people and themselves. We tell you how to work in a team, meet deadlines and be better.

4 ways to avoid burnout
16 September, 2021
4 ways to avoid burnout
We often begin to treat diseases that bother us, which do not even exist, instead of reading the body's hidden messages about fatigue. Why is burnout a seriously underestimated disease? How can we detect and avoid burnout?
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
WEEEK Week #45: Drag-n-drop to delete and calendar on Android
обновления WEEEK
24 August, 2021
WEEEK Week #45: Drag-n-drop to delete and calendar on Android
The past weeks have not been rich in any large-scale updates, but this is the calm before the storm. And we didn't leave you without any cool changes at all.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Waterfall model: pros, cons, pitfalls
23 August, 2021
Waterfall model: pros, cons, pitfalls
I tell you about the concept of the cascade methodology, its principles, minuses and pros, as well as in which situations it is better to apply it.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
5 growth mindset insights
18 August, 2021
5 growth mindset insights
How to increase productivity, and then keep it at the proper level? The very first step that you should take is understanding the growth mindset in its entirety so if you're not familiar with it — this article will help you to understand it better.
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
How and why to become a leader
soft skills
15 August, 2021
How and why to become a leader
Not everyone becomes a leader. It's about ambition, qualities, and skills. If you're okay with the first one, I'll tell you what else you need to work on to become a leader.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Skills for working in a startup
soft skills
9 August, 2021
Skills for working in a startup
In startups, conditions are often harsh, and in order to survive there, you need to have a certain set of skills, both hard and soft. I will briefly tell you what these skills are and why they are important for startups.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
What is the Eisenhower matrix?
26 July, 2021
What is the Eisenhower matrix?
Knowing nothing about the Eisenhower matrix, it turns out that I intuitively adhered to the same principles that he suggests. This is really very convenient and frees up a lot of time. This is especially important on the busiest days.
Nadya Sokolova
Nadya Sokolova
Marketing manager
WEEEK Week 43: Tags and chats on the web, reminders and boards on Android, optimization on iOS
обновления WEEEK
14 July, 2021
WEEEK Week 43: Tags and chats on the web, reminders and boards on Android, optimization on iOS
Unfortunately, the title does not allow you to fit all the new features and useful changes that we have made since the last WEEEK Week — there are too many of them. So let's get right to the point.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
WEEEK Week #42: Pleasant little things on the web, offline mode on Android, reminders on iOS and much more
обновления WEEEK
7 July, 2021
WEEEK Week #42: Pleasant little things on the web, offline mode on Android, reminders on iOS and much more
Over the past weeks, we have accumulated a lot of small, but pleasant updates and very small bugfixes. We tell you about everything in order.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
9 best inspiring and motivating films
5 July, 2021
9 best inspiring and motivating films
There are many ways to motivate yourself: talk to a psychologist, read some inspiring book or watch a movie. In this article, I decided to tell you about a dozen of my favorite motivating films.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Find a balance: why it is dangerous to be constantly effective
29 June, 2021
Find a balance: why it is dangerous to be constantly effective
Everyone wants to know how to become more effective at work and in their personal life. Take self-isolation in 2020, one of the main topics of which was "how to spend time usefully in quarantine". Why is it not worth living in this mode all the time?
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
How to stop being afraid and start delegating tasks effectively
2 June, 2021
How to stop being afraid and start delegating tasks effectively
Even when there are a lot of tasks, I often catch myself thinking "Yes, I'd rather do it myself". I have problems with the transfer of cases, so I decided to finally figure out how to delegate tasks correctly.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
WEEEK Week #41: Loooong tasks
обновления WEEEK
31 May, 2021
WEEEK Week #41: Loooong tasks
In the new WEEEK Week, we have just one more update for you (but what!) and a bunch of small fixes to the web version. Without further ado, let's see what we have prepared there.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
I can't think straight: 10 tips on how to prevent mental fatigue
24 May, 2021
I can't think straight: 10 tips on how to prevent mental fatigue
The human brain consumes passion as much energy, but for some reason we often forget about it. As a result, the brain gets tired, and we sit helplessly looking into the void. Let's figure out where mental fatigue comes from and what can be done about it.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
WEEEK Week #40: Create. Complete. Repeat
обновления WEEEK
16 May, 2021
WEEEK Week #40: Create. Complete. Repeat
In the new issue of our regularly irregular bulletin of updates, we talk about the repeatable tasks that have finally settled in your iPhone, and the knowledge base that has matured before beta testing.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Gantt Chart: The Illusion of Safety
28 April, 2021
Gantt Chart: The Illusion of Safety
The Gantt chart is a mega-popular project management method. But is it as good and useful as many people say it is? It's time to figure it out.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
time to start

tasks, projects, Kanban boards, Gantt, calendars, reminders and notifications in Telega™ - all this is free in the team for you