Web version
- Previously, tags were only in daily tasks and were visible only in the weekly scheduler. Now they can be seen in long tasks - which are set for several days and are displayed at the top, and in List mode.

- We updated the profile header, and instead of the search on the left, which we removed and replaced with a global one, we put the buttons for the weekly planner and the List.

- Now the board name is not limited to 30 characters.
- Added indentation of the text in the Knowledge Base so that it does not stick to the left edge, it did not look very good.
Fixed bugs:
- Tasks from remote boards are no longer displayed.
- Tasks are now copied along with tags.
- Fixed a bug when sharing boards.
- Initially, only new tasks were visible in the global search, now done tasks are also displayed.
- Users complained that when dragging a task in a column to another place, it returned back, but we fixed this.
- Previously, being in one board, it was not possible to copy another - the one that was open was copied. Now it works as it should.
- Sending comments was buggy - you send one, but it doesn't work anymore. No longer buggy.
- We added a confirmation of deleting files, so if you want to delete something, we will check if you clicked there by mistake.
- Well, we also improved performance, as always.
And a few more bugs fixed:
- We fixed voice typing.
- We fixed the timer.
- We fixed a bug with displaying time in reminders.
Click tasks on one or two
Tasks — created for cool task management
Documents on steroids
Knowledge base — created for documents and sharing something there
Sales funnels without crows
CRM ™ — created for sales and business