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Sales Managers

Sales are rising

Don't forget about meetings and phone calls, fix transaction statuses and forget about routine. Set goals and achieve them.

  • 20 000 users

all your favorite services are here
Thanks to integration with Figma, Airtable, Miro and Google Docs, managing the creation of advertising campaigns in WEEEK is as convenient as possible
all integrations

special offers

for non-profit organizations
a platform for task management, project management and planning of upcoming work
discount from 50%
for students and teachers
all learning processes in one place
for free
for startups
task manager, knowledge base and sales funnels on the same platform
50% discount
special offer
we will make an individual offer for a large team of 100 people or more

we are already being used

time to start

tasks, projects, Kanban boards, Gantt, calendars, reminders and notifications in Telega™ - all this is free in the team for you