We show our plans for the future so that you are aware of the product development and can participate.
Now the team will have its own page - with an avatar, description and goals.
We will add a new type of tasks for top-level planning. It will help to work with the gantt chart.
This will help you estimate the time to complete a task with several employees at once.
New interface design for teamwork. Avatars and description will appear for the whole team
It will be possible to leave comments on current changes in the project. Mini-reports will help you always be up-to-date of the project
A new format for working on tasks will appear
Story point estimation is a technique used in Agile project management to replace task estimation in time or money.
Automated scheduling mini-service that makes the process of finding meeting times easy.
Never miss a date with recurring tasks. You’ll see all task recurrences in Calendar view.
It will be possible to set individual tags for each particular service and to control them via settings
All transactions will be displayed in WEEEK’s funnel
All requests from the site will be displayed in WEEEK’s funnel
We'll be adding a calendar to the "My Tasks" section, which will display daily plans on an hourly basis
We will introduce editing capabilities for guests. A guest can be assigned as a performer, and they will be able to create, move, and complete tasks
We will update the sharing capabilities for everything: tasks, boards, calendars, and documents. Sharing information will become easier and more convenient
Tables, frames, and images can be stretched beyond the document's workspace
Users will be able to centrally connect all participants to WEEEK.
You will be able to assign calls directly from WEEEK.
It will enable you to turn Telegram messages into WEEEK tasks
Once they're out, you can quickly set up tasks using these ready-made templates. It's perfect for those repetitive tasks.
You'll be able to view employee workload by hours and tasks on a daily basis. This feature assists in efficiently planning the volume of work for each team member
These will optimize work processes by automating repetitive actions based on configured rules, given certain events occur
The ability to create charts and build dashboards based on data from the service, including Tasks and CRM, will be introduced
The ability to view Microsoft Office files, such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, directly in WEEEK without needing to download them will be introduced. You will even be able to edit these files
Make your development more convenient
Will add an automatic saving of documents versions and a feature to retrieve an older version of docs
The ability to maintain dependencies between tasks will be introduced. When the date is changed in one task, the dates in the entire chain of dependent tasks will shift accordingly for the same duration
The refined settings modal window will make it easier and clearer to configure privacy and access to information
We will update the task list display in Gantt mode. The ability to change the order of tasks by dragging will be added, along with the option to modify task field values without opening them. Users will be able to swap columns, a column for overdue tasks will be added, and bugs will be fixed
We will add the ability to duplicate tasks, projects, boards (and their templates) while preserving custom fields and relationships. Bugs related to duplication and recurring tasks will be fixed
It will be possible to create custom numeric fields inside task cards and perform basic arithmetic operations with them: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more
It will be possible to add a single task to multiple projects simultaneously
We are working on optimizing and speeding up the service
We will add the ability to create custom fields in the Project and Portfolio Overview. You will be able to record the project budget, create your own statuses, and other fields with information
We will add the ability to reorder tasks by dragging, as well as to edit task field values without opening them. The ability to swap columns will be introduced, an overdue column will be added, and we will fix bug
Tasks will be able to create a "custom field" - an additional field for fixing typed information about the task.
We will add collaborative editing of documents in real-time
We'll be introducing the ability to set up relationships between tasks, indicating which tasks are blocking progress and/or which ones are being blocked by others
It will be possible to invite users to the workspace, who will only be able to view and comment.
We will enhance the capability to fully manage comments in mobile applications. You will be able to reply to comments, add reactions, tag users, and more
Currently, they are created for all tasks within a project. In the future, you will be able to create them separately for a board, for a project, or for all projects in the workspace, as needed. This will help implement consistent statuses across all projects and more
Ensures organized storage, management, and access to files uploaded in tasks, documents, or deals within the workspace
We will add the Knowledge Base to the iOS mobile app
Forms will provide a simple and clear way for your team or clients to submit requests and information. Requests from the form will create tasks
Tasks and meetings from Yandex, Google, Apple, and another calendar will be displayed not only with date but also with the exact time
It will be possible to import data from Notion via API, without workspace size limitations. Database tables can be transferred into the task structure in WEEEK
We will add notifications for overdue tasks, as well as the ability to configure notifications for approvers. The task number will be included in notifications. Users will have the option to subscribe to a Project, Board, or Column
A feature for connoisseurs of the Kanban method in project management. It will be possible to set a limit on the number of tasks in the kanban board column.
You will be able to hide card attributes that you don't use in your workflow, such as task rating, type, assignee, etc
We will add an alternative logic for overdue tasks: when the task date is changed, its overdue status will be reset
We will add sorting by active users and by the date a user was added to the workspace
We will add new filters for boards, subscribers, and task relationships. We will also introduce sorting options in both directions: by creation date, deadline, start date, title, and overdue status
You'll be able to add the bot to a group Telegram chat with colleagues or clients and receive task notifications from it
We are updating the comments in tasks. Reactions will be added and the ability to reply to comments will become available
Field display settings will appear in the gear icon. Field names will be displayed instead of their types. In list and Gantt modes, all fields will be correctly displayed (by project, board, and for all projects). In board mode, the approvers' field will be displayed
We will add a feature for creating new tasks and filtering them by user, project, priority, and type. All subtasks will be displayed near parent tasks
t will be possible to regulate access to deals and clients inside the funnel.
Drag and drop rows and columns as needed
It will enable to export tasks into Excel tables.
Design and size update of the task window.
Add new blocks and update current ones. Text background colors will appear.
It will be able to set several responsible users on one task
A new top-level role for big teams – broad abilities in the management of roles, accesses, payments, and the delegation ownership of workspaces
Will update current notifications, add several new ones, and fix bugs
There will be a personal user profile page for workspace team members with an ability to edit it
We will add the basic analytics review on funnels and transactions in CRM
We're jazzing up navigation, fixing annoying bugs, and adding handy features like tags, start/end dates, and multiple assignees for better task management
Looking through the documents will become possible without downloading — right inside WEEEK
The avatar settings are now consist of more than just a picture but: an icon, color, text, an avatar from WEEEK and covers from users.
The side bar with projects will show more projects and you will be able to create and group them to "Folders".
We are creating a new text editor to our knowledge base. There will be more blocks to edit text, ability to mark favourites and document privacy. Managing is becoming more convenient.
There will be added periods, cover, ability to specify roles and bind a team to projects.
We are creating a templates module. In the first step, you will be able to create project templates. On the second - templates for boards and tasks. The next step will be public templates from users.
Now in the workspace settings you can create a key and use our API
We are preparing the opportunity to maintain a database of customers and contracting parties for the CRM service
The project will have a common page with the current status, team and description
All sections now have a new flexible filter. Search by multiple artists, tags, period, etc.
You can merge project folders to quick find the needed information
There used to be a timer, now there will be a manual fixation of time together with a timer.
It will help you plan not only for the week, but also for the month ahead.
You will be able to save the file inside the document
Moving from Notion will be available in a few clicks
Sharing files just got easier
You will be able to track the performance of project's tasks
It will be possible to make Documents in the knowledge base private
It will be possible to connect a team to the project to always be aware of who is responsible for the execution
You will be able to visualize the project workflow for the team and follow the progress
The task management process will become more transparent. The team will be able to track task progress and control project deadlines.
Now you can restore deleted tasks quickly
Teamwork on documents will become more comfortable
Ideas just got more exciting! We’ve redesigned it a little bit and added the ability to react on idea with emoji.
It will be possible to synchronize the calendar with projects and workspaces in WEEEK – tasks will be automatically uploaded to the desired project or workspace.
Boards in boards
I really miss the ability to not only copy boards, but copy and move between projects.
Add the ability to turn off / off the compact view of tasks when displayed in the Kanban board format by day of the week.
Added a folder with projects inside it. Each time you have to expand the folder, because it folds back after updating the page)
Dependence of the project (task) on tasks (subtasks, checklists), i.e. so that it was impossible to set the status COMPLETED, with an unfulfilled task (subtask)
Add to the tools the ability to work with Yandex disk and Yandex documents. Now there is miro, Google Docs. I would like to have a domestic alternative 😊
Make it so that by default the notification was not an hour before the event, but exactly at the time?
Repeat the assigned color for the project (in the tab project → overview → cover) and in the tasks themselves on the “All tasks” page
Make it possible to print tasks in different views, day, week, month, general list of tasks (or export to, for example, PDF, so that you can print. )
Mind maps, or intelligence maps, are a way of organizing information in the form of associative or logical schemes. It would be cool if the project had the ability to create mind maps (change the presentation of tasks in the project) right in the manager itself, and not through other applications. So the project and its stages / stages will be more visually understandable to the team.
There are tags, but it's not clear what to do with them)
Integration with mail services
tasks, projects, Kanban boards, Gantt, calendars, reminders and notifications in Telega™ - all this is free in the team for you