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about self-management

Deming Cycle or PDCA: how to improve the process of working on a product in 4 steps
23 January, 2023
Deming Cycle or PDCA: how to improve the process of working on a product in 4 steps
We talk about the Deming cycle: the idea, the benefits, as well as how the cycle improves the process of creating a product, and how to integrate it into your work and teams.
Nadya Sokolova
Nadya Sokolova
Marketing manager
How to set goals for 2023
29 December, 2022
How to set goals for 2023
In December, I like to sum up the results of the year and set goals for the next one — it helps to achieve more. I tell you how to set goals in order to achieve results.
Nadya Sokolova
Nadya Sokolova
Marketing manager
Habits harmful to the brain
8 December, 2022
Habits harmful to the brain
We have a lot of everyday habits that literally worsen brain function: from lack of sleep to unsociability and the habit of stupidly flipping through the tape in social networks. About the most common — in a new article.
Nadya Sokolova
Nadya Sokolova
Marketing manager
Foods that are bad for the brain
12 October, 2022
Foods that are bad for the brain
What you eat has a direct impact on how your brain works – concentration, cognitive abilities, and more. We figured out what to give up in order to think better, remember more and work more productively.
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
Digital detox: how to take a break from gadgets
5 October, 2022
Digital detox: how to take a break from gadgets
I tell you what a digital detox is, who needs it and why, and how to take a break from technology without experiencing stress.
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
How to return to work after vacation or sick leave
28 September, 2022
How to return to work after vacation or sick leave
After a vacation or sick leave, it is very difficult to work again. We share 6 tips that will make it easier for you to survive the return.
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
Life hacks to make working from home more productive
14 September, 2022
Life hacks to make working from home more productive
Working from home makes it harder to be more productive and not be distracted by other things. We share life hacks that will help you organize time, space around and thoughts in your head.
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
What is Bullet Journal, or how to plan creatively
31 August, 2022
What is Bullet Journal, or how to plan creatively
It would seem impossible to keep tasks for the day, goals for the year, nutrition trackers, a personal diary, as well as a list of TV shows to watch in one place. You can - for this there is Bullet Journal, abbreviated BuJo.
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
11 tips to improve your sleep quality
17 August, 2022
11 tips to improve your sleep quality
Poor sleep directly affects your productivity and efficiency during the day. I figured out what exactly affects the quality of sleep and collected 11 tips that will help you sleep better.
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
Why motivation is not always a good productivity instrument? Tips to determine your drive.
11 January, 2022
Why motivation is not always a good productivity instrument? Tips to determine your drive.
Drive VS Motivation
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Madina-Mishel Novikova
Product manager, WEEEK
Weekly planning as a way to sort out the chaos and achieve goals
22 December, 2021
Weekly planning as a way to sort out the chaos and achieve goals
It is unwise to solve all tasks at the same time and work "on a whim". To properly allocate time, you need a plan. I usually do daily planning, but it's not enough for real efficiency — you'll need a plan for a week.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
How to get things in order
12 July, 2020
How to get things in order
Where does this chaos come from and how can it be ordered? I've figured it out and I'm ready to tell you.
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
10 ways to fight procrastination and beat it
26 June, 2020
10 ways to fight procrastination and beat it
It usually takes me 3-4 hours to prepare one article. But this one is different. Because of COVID, work from home, the child turned on the PS4, got an interesting article on Telegram... Hmm, I'll go read it. Oh, here's meme. And another one… Sh*t!
Alexander Mashkov
Alexander Mashkov
Timing. The first step in mastering time management
11 June, 2019
Timing. The first step in mastering time management
Time management in simple words. On the example of John, Margaret and Tim.
Александр Машков
Александр Машков
time to start

tasks, projects, Kanban boards, Gantt, calendars, reminders and notifications in Telega™ - all this is free in the team for you