I'm back from a week's vacation and I know firsthand how hard it is to get back on track. A bunch of tasks for several projects immediately fall down, and the brain begins to boil slowly. To make it easier, you need to go through the process of adaptation.
In fact, it is difficult to switch to work even after two days off - it takes time to switch from rest to work. The longer you rest, the longer it will take to get back into productivity mode. In addition, after weekends and long breaks, the ability to think systems decreases, and it is difficult to process information immediately in such a volume as before. Need time.
Not everyone knows how to relax
Everyone understands vacation differently. It is easier for someone to relax with friends, someone replenishes the resources spent on travel, and someone likes to spend time alone, taking a break from communication and other people. This is fine. The main thing is to understand what kind of rest you need so that after the rest you do not have to rest for another week.
Many more are not used to separating work and personal lives and working even during their holidays (this is just some kind of trend). This is a big mistake. Even if you are lying at home or on the beach, but at the same time you are solving work issues, you do not rest, and your body is also emotionally stressed. To really relax, you need to completely move away from all tasks.
How to get back to work
So, in order not to burn out again in the first days and weeks of work after the holidays, an adaptation period will be needed. To get yourself into a work routine, give yourself time to calm down and don't beat yourself up.
Make a plan
First of all, distribute the actual tasks for all projects - so you remember what needs to be done first and what are the important deadlines. Without a plan, you just sit in front of your laptop without understanding “what to do”. Therefore, before work, you first need to make a list of tasks, then distribute them for a week, and then highlight what needs to be done today. So it will be easier to join the usual work rhythm.
Get yourself in order
To maintain productivity, it is important to always be in a good mood and feel comfortable. To do this, you need to create pleasant conditions that will set you in a working mood. Dress how you like, but don't forget about the weather; sleep well so as not to feel tired and lethargic; take a relaxing shower; eat right.
Come out in the middle of the week
It is more difficult to join work from Monday - out of habit, the working week seems long and difficult. Plan your vacation so that work starts in the middle of the week so you can immerse yourself in work with less stress, because the weekend is coming up again.

Take a vacation with a reserve
I flew back from vacation on Sunday, and on Monday I immediately went to work. It was difficult for me to join the work and not miss the vacation - it takes time to get used to the change of scenery and tune in to the usual rhythm. Keep in mind that going to work immediately after rest is stressful for the body. Therefore, immediately lay at the end of the vacation 2-3 days to adapt to work.
Take breaks
Remember to rest while you work and try to take small breaks. To do this, you can block time or use the Pomodoro method - they help to combine work and rest so that there is no feeling of congestion.
Make life brighter
A work routine is no reason to lose heart and withdraw into oneself, living in the “work-home” and “home-work” modes. Try to make life more pleasant - devote time to loved ones, yourself, entertainment and work will be more comfortable.