Web version

- Boards have moved. Attention, the boards have not disappeared anywhere - but only moved to the same row with the icons of the weekly calendar and the list. Switching between task views is now easier.
- Global search in the Knowledge Base, CRM and improved task manager. Previously, there was a search only for the task manager - and only for tasks. Now there is a search by subtasks, and we have also added a search in the Knowledge Base and CRM.

- Private documents in the Knowledge Base. You can now create private documents in the team workspace. So that no one else can see them.

- Quick tour. If you want to quickly learn the most important features, go to the "Help" section and click the "Quick tour" button.
Click tasks on one or two
Tasks — created for cool task management
Documents on steroids
Knowledge base — created for documents and sharing something there
Sales funnels without crows
CRM ™ — created for sales and business