Web version
- We made the button for switching between services more obvious - we added one more. Tap on it to exit, for example, from the task manager in CRM.

- Updated the design of the "Users" service. We are preparing for large-scale changes, but for now we have improved the service interface.
There is also a Commands tab. You will find it in the menu on the left - there you can see how many departments are working on projects, whether the teams are private and how many employees each has.
- Now there are avatars not only in the Knowledge Base, but also in the workspace and profile. To change your avatar, go to settings and click on the photo. The avatar change window will pop up.

The project also:
- Added the ability to view pdf files. Previously, you could only have pictures, or first you had to download the file.

- If you create a subtask for a task that belongs to a project, the project of the parent task is automatically assigned to it.
- Now, if the user unsubscribes from the task, this action does not crash.
- Navigating to a task via an external link now works without bugs.
- Fixed dragging tasks in the "My Tasks" section.
- Fixed an error in the text of notifications.