eLama is a platform that simplifies the launch of online advertising campaigns to get maximum results. They have been using WEEEK in their operations for a year now.
I draw up a content plan according to certain criteria. For example, if we have regular weekly segments, the same topic should not be repeated throughout the day. Frequency also matters — each social media network should have a specific quantity of posts per day. It’s impossible to keep all this in mind, and even more — to plan things ahead.
Previously, I used Google Sheets to maintain the content plan, I set everything up, color-coded the readiness of posts and categories. But it took a lot of time, and all the information needed to be entered manually. Not convenient at all.

Other services did not fit my specific requirements: to be able to see activity for a week in one window, mark scheduled posts, indicate publishing deadlines, divide posts by segments..
WEEEK is the only service that allowed us to organize the weekly posting schedule in a way we needed
Our colleagues from the email marketing department also looked for some kind of a tool to plan email and display pop-ups activities in our service. It’s important for them to understand how much the channel is overloaded with content, which topics to send and when our users are most likely to read messages.
We looked for a planning service that would be more convenient and visually attractive than regular Sheets. And we found WEEEK.
Thanks to WEEEK the daily schedule is right in front of your eyes. I can see both the overall picture of the content on social media networks and my personal burden: how many publications have been made and how many need to be planned. All in a single tool.

We've made separate projects for each communication channel (social media, emails, pop ups). Now we can see which topics are used in communication messages on different channels and plan accordingly.