There are a lot of books about time management. I have read a lot: some books on time management were completely nonsense, others were more useful. I will tell you about them.
Instead of a disclaimer
I have been working as a marketer and editor for almost 8 years, but I still struggle with procrastination and learn to manage time more effectively. In this article, I have collected books that have helped me personally. The selection does not pretend to be objective, but it will definitely be useful for someone.
"Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change", Timothy Pychyl

Timothy Pychyl is a professor of psychology at Carleton University who is an expert in procrastination issues. Since '95, he has been researching and analyzing the biological and psychological processes responsible for putting important things off until the last moment. In the book, Pichil talks about simple but effective ways to contain internal demons that are destructive to human effectiveness.
“Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change" — this is the best solution for those who want to understand how procrastination works.
“How to get control of your time and your life”, Alan Lakein

Alan Lackein is one of the world's top time management specialists. His "How to get control of your time and your life" is a bestseller with 3 million sales, a real classic that other authors of books on time management refer to. Some revelations are not found here, but for newcomers to the topic, the book will be very useful. If you put other knowledge on this basis, you can create your own cool time management system.
“Pomodoro Technique Illustrated: The easy way to do more in less time”, Staffan Noteberg

Staffan Noteberg is a developer and specialist in flexible methodologies. In his book, he popularly talks about the famous Pomodoro Technique. You can read the book (there are cool illustrations) or learn the essence of our article.
“No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs”, Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy is a businessman who has written a dozen business books. "No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs" - the most detailed guide to time management. The book will teach you to identify time eaters and fight for every valuable minute. Ideal for people who have a lot of plans and ideas, but do not have enough time for everything - entrepreneurs, freelancers and people of creative professions.
“The Power of Doing Less”, Fergus O'Connell

Fergus O'Connell is an expert in project management. In "The Power of Doing Less”, he tries to convey to the reader a simple but important idea: it is impossible to do everything in time, so you need to focus on the most urgent things. Like "How to get control of your time and your life" - this is a great option for beginners in the topic. I didn't learn anything super-new for myself, but the book made me take time management seriously.
“The Time Trap”, Pat Nickerson and Alec Mackenzie

Mackenzie and Nickerson are experts in time management. In “The Time Trap", through interviews and step-by-step practical advice, they teach you to set priorities, increase productivity, and keep up with everything. The only problem is that the book helps with managing only working time. But it copes with its task very well.
All of these books have helped me learn how to manage my time in one way or another. It is quite possible that they will help you. I just have to find the time to read them, right? :)