Decompose goals

Decomposition is a deductive method of moving from the general to the particular. From complex to simple. This is a scientific method, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by the high effectiveness of its application in various fields - from personal sports achievements to large-scale industrial projects.
In the terminology of time management, it is customary to call "elephants" large goals and objectives. What is the easiest way to "eat the elephant" - to achieve a big goal, solve a big problem? You need to "cut the elephant into pieces" - to decompose goals - and gradually "eat small steaks", performing simple, understandable tasks.
When the decomposition of the goal is made, the algorithm for further actions becomes extremely simple and understandable.
The deadlines for the implementation of each of the stages are determined and responsible executors with the necessary knowledge, skills, competencies, powers and other resources are appointed.
By the way in WEEEK we do have a convenient subtask system, where you can appoint an executor and add a date.
Moreover if you make a date on subtask you can see a it as a separate task in your workspace.
HADI cycles will help you achieve an undefined goal

Don't be scared, HADI loops are easy!
HADI Loops - This method of testing hypotheses has been popular for many years and has been discussed among aspiring entrepreneurs and startup founders. A hypothesis is an assumption that goes like this: If I eat right, my sleep will improve.
This method was invented for the business environment, but this does not mean that it is not applicable to ordinary life. Very applicable! Because if there is no understanding of how to achieve the goal, but you really want to realize it, all that remains for us is to look for options. It is in the selection of variants that HADI-cycles will help us.
Each cycle consists of four blocks: the formation of a hypothesis (Hypothesis), its verification (Action), obtaining a measured result (Data) and conclusions (Insights), on the basis of which we formulate further hypotheses.
For example: You want to find a new field of activity, but you don’t understand at all where to go.
1. you write options:
- if I start asking my friends what suits me, then I will find out my strengths, which I don’t see and which I can realize
- if I start trying myself in different areas for a month, then I will find mine in half a year
2. you start surveying all your friends and work or train in different areas for a month
3. Having received repeated answers from friends, you realize that you did not notice a sincere love for writing texts in yourself. But trying yourself in different industries did not give you anything.
4. You write out professions related to writing texts and choose what you will try next.
With WEEEK, you can create a special board to track the movement along the HADI cycle.
Thus, in conditions of uncertainty, using the system of writing hypotheses and their subsequent verification by HADI, you will be able to find out what seemed absolutely obscure to you.
Prioritize goals
It's no secret that task or goal prioritization is one of the most important tools that will help you focus on what you need and discard the secondary. You can read about the Eisenhower matrix for a better understanding of how to prioritize correctly.
In addition to the fact that in our service you can set a priority for each task - a network of filters that will allow you to either select only tasks with the same priority level, or arrange them in descending order of priority.
Put all thoughts on the sheet
If you look at this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, then a logical interpretation leads to several facts:
- writing down goals allows you to clearly define the desired perspectives, stimulates clarity and specificity in thinking;
- fixing plans on paper helps a person to free up space in the mind and improve the processes of mental activity;
- the transfer of desires to paper contributes to the development of creative and organizational abilities of a person.
That's why we have an Ideas page!